In this Highlight Clip of my Speaking Engagement at Coldwell Banker, I explain what are the KEY ELEMENTS that these Top 3 Icons of our Century have in common.

Many people want to Display the Life that these 3 people had, but not many are willing to Endure the process that it takes.

Michael Jordan dubbed as the “Goat”, Greatest Of All Time in Basketball. Rejected by his High School Team but turned around to win 6 NBA Championships with 5 MVP titles, 14 All-Star appearances and 10 Scoring Titles.

Mother Theresa chose to serve and leave her “rich” family behind to minister to the poorest of poor, to the lepers, the homeless, in the slums of Calcutta. Marked as the Greatest Humanitarian of the 20th Century, ordained as a Saint.

Bill Gates, a drop out of Harvard has already made $11.5 Billion this year alone. That’s $33.3 Million per day; $1.38 Million an hour; and $23,148 per minute. It’s literally not worth his time to pick up a hundred dollar bill when he see’s it on the streets.

What do they have that we don’t?